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CS 300: Operating Systems
OSTEP 30 - Condition Variables
ZyBooks 10.1 - Security Goals and Threats
CS 301: Database Management Systems
18 - Relational Algebra
24 - NoSQL Databases
25 - NoSQL Databases
26 - MongoDB
27 - MongoDB
28 - MongoDB
29 - Indexes
37 - APIs
39 - APIs
CS 403: Programming Languages
1 - Introduction
2 - Introduction
3 - Syntax
4 - Semantics
5 - Parser
6 - Variables
7 - Types
8 - Types
9 - Assignment
10 - Selection
11 - Loops
12 - Subprograms
13 - Subprograms
14 - Subprogram Implementation
16 - Subprogram Implementation
18 - ADT
19 - ADT
20 - OOP
21 - OOP
22 - Smalltalk
23 - Smalltalk
24 - Smalltalk
25 - Smalltalk
26 - Functional
27 - Functional
29 - Functional
30 - Functional
32 - Functional
33 - Functional
34 - Logical
35 - Logical
36 - Logical
37 - Concurrency
38 - Concurrency
39 - Exception Handling
COPL 3 - Describing Syntax and Semantics
CS 438: Computer Communication & Networks
1 - Computer Networks and the Internet
2 - Application Layer
3 - Transport Layer
CS 470: Computer Algorithms
1 - Growth of Functions
2 - Divide-and-Conquer
3 - Computational Geometry
4 - Dynamic Programming
5 - Graph Algorithms
34 - NP-Completeness
CS 491: Autonomous Vehicles
ROS Tutorials
Xbox Controller Setup
MATH 457: Stochastic Processes I
1 - Intro
2 - Review
3 - Markov Chains
4 - Qualitative Behavior of Chains
5 - Probabilistic Study of Qualitative Behavior
6 - Long Term Behavior of a Chain
ST 531: Data Mining I
ML1 - Intro
ML2 - Data Preprocessing and Algorithm Selection
ML4 - Neural Networks
ML6 - Model Assessment and Deployment
ST 552: Applied Regression Analysis
1 - Intro
2 - SLR
3 - MLR
TB1 - Intro
TB6 - Diagnostics and Transformations for MLR
TB7 - Variable Selection
TB8 - Logistic Regression
ST 553: Multivariate Regression Analysis
0 - Matrix Algebra Primer
1 - Sample Geometry and Random Sampling
2 - Multivariate Normal Distribution
ST 554: Mathematical Statistics I
Discrete Uniform Distributions
Hypergeometric Distribution
Bernoulli Distribution
Binomial Distribution
Geometric Distribution
Negative Binomial Distribution
Poisson Distribution
Continuous Uniform Distribution
Gamma Distribution
Exponential Distribution
Beta Distribution
Normal Distribution
Joint Distributions
Correlation and Covariance
Homework Problems
ST 555: Mathematical Statistics II
Multivariate Distributions
Homework 1
ST 560: Statistical Methods
8 - Interval Estimation
9 - Hypothesis Tests
10 - Inference About Means and Proportions with Two Populations
11 - Inferences About Population Variances
13 - Experimental Design and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
14 - Simple Linear Regression
EC 110: Microeconomics
1 - Ten Principles of Economics
3 - Interdependence and the Gains from Trade
4 - The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
5 - Elasticity and Its Applications
6 - Supply, Demand, and Government Policies
7 - Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets
8 - The Costs of Taxation
9 - International Trade
10 - Externalities
14 - The Costs of Production
15 - Firms in Competitive Markets
16 - Monopoly
17 - Monopolistic Competition
GY 101: Atmospheric Processes & Patterns
1 - The Nature of Physical Geography
2 - Atmospheric Energy and Matter
3 - Atmospheric Motion
4 - Atmospheric Moisture
GY 102: Earth Surface Processes
8 - Water Resources
9 - Understanding Landscapes
10 - Plate Tectonics and Regional Features
12 - Weathering and Mass Wasting
Youtube to MP3 in Python
Open issue
5 - Probabilistic Study of Qualitative Behavior
5 - Probabilistic Study of Qualitative Behavior