12 - Weathering and Mass Wasting#
Mass wasting is the movement of material downslope in response to gravity. It is caused by physical weathering.
12.1 - How Does Physical Weathering Affect Earth’s Surface?#
Joints are fractures in rocks that help break them into smaller pieces and permit water and roots to penetrate the rock, promoting more weathering.
12.2 - How Does Chemical Weathering Affect Earth’s Surface?#
Chemical weathering can make rocks dissolve or break down existing minerals, producing new minerals called secondary minerals.
Chemical weathering can occur in the following ways:
Dissolution: Some minerals are soluble in water and can dissolve in water and be carried away in streams or groundwater.
Oxidation: Some minerals bond with oxygen to form oxide minerals.
Hydrolysis: Silicate minerals react chemically with water, converting the original minerals into clay minerals.
Biological Reactions: Decaying plants produce acids and some bacteria consume parts of rocks.